So I bit this video off of a FB post my cousin Will posted... some ES-EYE-SEE-KAY Skating...and then at the end Daewon talks about a clothing line he's involved with called Matix. I'd never heard of it before, but then tonight at Claim Jumper, Aila and I were sharing the Widowmaker (burger of all burgers, which happens to be only $7 if you order before 7pm...

but I digress) and there was a young couple with their kid at the table next to us, and he had MATIX tatooed on his forearm and I was like 'does that say Matix?' and he was like 'yeah' and I was like 'is that that clothing line thing?' and he was like 'actually, our we named our boy 'Matix' and I was like 'cool'.
but I digress) and there was a young couple with their kid at the table next to us, and he had MATIX tatooed on his forearm and I was like 'does that say Matix?' and he was like 'yeah' and I was like 'is that that clothing line thing?' and he was like 'actually, our we named our boy 'Matix' and I was like 'cool'.
or something like that..
anyways here's the video...enjoy
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