Friday, December 18, 2015


Humanism is our theme.  A few definitions plagarized from cyberspace for your consideration:

  1. 1.
    an outlook or system of thought attaching prime importance to human rather than divine or supernatural matters. Humanist beliefs stress the potential value and goodness of human beings, emphasize common human needs, and seek solely rational ways of solving human problems.

hu·man·ism  (hyo̅o̅′mə-nĭz′əm)
1. A system of thought that rejects religious beliefs and centers on humans and their values, capacities, and worth.
2. Concern with the interests, needs, and welfare of humans: "the newest flower on the vine of corporate humanism" (Savvy).
3. Medicine The concept that concern for human interests, values, and dignity is of the utmost importance to the care of the sick.
4. The study of the humanities; learning in the liberal arts.
5. Humanism A cultural and intellectual movement of the Renaissance that emphasized secular concerns as a result of the rediscovery and study of the literature, art, and civilization of ancient Greece and Rome.

But my favorite by far and getting to the heart of the matter 
Greek homo mensura ("humans are the measure"

Humans are the measure of what?  The right answer is (if you want to be a good humanist) 'it depends'.   And more to the point, good and the Bard so eloquently summed up the relevatists position:
"There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."

Taken to even more extremes, reality itself becomes unhinged as (the logical conclusion demands) depends upon my perspective of it. 
I'm sure we've all heard the term "relativism".  Its all relative is our era's one axiomatic and unquestionable truth.  The truth that there is no truth... confusing...yes, terribly confusing and contradictory to boot.

Humanism and relativism both exist where the assumption is that God either doesn't exist or is essentially irrelevant to day-to-day living.
It is important to note that this assumption is 100%  NOT compatible with a belief in the Creator God of the Bible.  If humans are at the center of things (leaving aside the question of how we got here, and what our purpose is), then we truly are the measure of good and evil (assuming those terms have any meaning at this point).
So Hitler, who thought that his path was Good, was 100% as correct as, say, Gandhi or Mother Teresa or MLK Jr., or fill-in-the-blank... as long as you THINK you are doing something good, no one can argue with you if good and evil are all relative and subjective.

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